= Paris Affaire =
Love Story of a Young Poet and His Angel in the City of Light
by Jean-Thomas Cullen
= Links =
Selected Info After the 15 April 2019 fire, the Web was especially flooded with tributes. Here are just a few links about the Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral. Some other links follow, relating to this novel and its long (nearly half century) history. My 1976 New Haven novel written as a young U.S. soldier stationed in Germany (for which, see *History* on this site). On Saint Ronan Street begat a 2017 Paris novel Paris Affaire which, in the hours following the 2019 fire, became (for great reasons) The Bells of Notre Dame.
YouTube Videos.
Music and images speak better than words, so let's start with some YouTube clips from the Notre Dame. I'll just post a few; you can find many more like it, especially since the 15 April 2019 fire
Te Deum Laudamus (We Praise You, O Lord
Vespers Evening Prayers (*)
Hail Mary (sung in Latin)
Magnificat Anima Mea DominumMary: My Soul Magnifies the Lord (Luke 1:46-55)
Wikipedia Pages.
Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral
Tragic Fire of 15 April 2019
News Media.
BBC Report: Rich Graphics analysis
BBC Report: 360 degree views (video)
BBC Report: The Bees of Notre Dame
Jean-Thomas Cullen: Young Fiction & Poems*
On Saint Ronan Street (1976 Novel) Read Free or Buy
October Leaf (YA Poems 1960/70s) Read Free or Buy
*POEMS: I wrote well over 425 poems as a teenager and young adult, a few published long ago, all collected in a massive archive. I have released most of them in three volumes, one of them available to free free (see October Leaf above. Two others currently only available to buy are Postcards to My Soul and Cymbalist Poems (the companion volume of On Saint Ronan Street. Poems attributed to the fictional poet Marc Fontbleu in my Paris novel are from these same sources. More info soon.
**BOOKSTORE METAPHOR: As of late 2018, I have posted over 35 novels and many shorter works online, free to read with option to buy. I call it the Bookstore Metaphor. Not all my work is available on those terms, but most of it is. All my books (fiction and nonfiction) are available as print and e-books from Amazon online; print from Barnes & Noble online or order in your local store. Happy reading. If you like a book & want to thank the author, please tell your friends; post helpful reviews online; mention on social media; link from your website or media; for the price of a latte, buy the e-book. Motto: Read-a-Latte. Also: Read Free or Buy.
