Final Secret of Leonardo da Vinci revealed: why did he paint the Mona Lisa?



Revealed at Last: Leonardo da Vinci's Final & Greatest Secret

And That Greater Enigma: Her Mysterious Smile. It takes a ghost story (based on a true event), and a journey from darkness into light, to reveal the ultimate secret of Leonardo da Vinci's final years—and why he painted the most famous and expensive artwork on earth (insured for nearly $1 Billion Euros, hanging in the Louvre in Paris, France). For 500 years, scholars have puzzled over the portrait of a sweet but unremarkable Florentine housewife named Lisa Gherardini, who sat for her portrait at the request of her loving husband, the wealthy merchant Francesco del Giocondo.

Leonardo da Vinci's secret: Mona Lisa is his sacred woman in the moon

What about that unearthly landscape behind her in the portrait painted by Da Vinci, and that melancholy hint in her lovely eyes? Bets are off, because the secrets are all revealed in this novel. These are just background: a tale of parallel lives, of a grieving father who got to live twice, and a baby who died in one dimension but became a successful woman in another. A famous sign in Shakespeare & Co. bookstore in Paris reads: "Be not inhospitable to strangers, lest they be angels in disguise." Join Rob and Hannah, Dan Wilson's twin kids, now grown up and living in Europe, as the ghost of their lost baby sister guides them to the adventure of not one but several lifetimes. Scroll down to read more info on this page, and then click the cover image to start reading Part One of the novel (continued…)

(…continued) Need a hint? Leonardo was not only great artist and engineer, but a mystic and free thinker. Had the Inquisition learned the truth about his project, it would have cost him his life (like the fate of free thinker Giordano Bruno a century later, burned alive for heresy in the Forum of Flowers in central Rome). Read this novel and understand Da Vinci's final amazing secret. He was a feminist eons ahead of his time and ours. The Goddess' many Classical names included Luna and Selene and Mene (as in Mene Lucens, the eternally Shining Holiness, whose name gives us the Latin word mensis, or lunar month). In the Homeric Hymns (c.7th Century BCE), she was the glossy-haired sister of Sun-god Helios, and of Dawn-goddess Eos. Mona Lisa represented Leonardo's Sacred Woman in the Moon. Click the cover image above and start reading the entire story—a journey from darkness into light.

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